Blog Week 10…
Hey guys, sorry this is a late one this week. Been showing the mums in my life some love haven’t I? Like I hope you all have been. And sending my loves to those of you who no longer have a mum around. I imagine today is super difficult. Just try to remember the memories you have.. That is something you will never loose 🤍🤍🤍
Okay so DOUBLE DIGITS BABY 💁🏼♀️💁🏼♀️💁🏼♀️ Been writing this blog for 10 whole weeks now which I just find crazy. Not going to lie I am enjoying it. Hope you lot are well to be fair I know you are because when I post my website views go crazy. As always thanks for your continued support. You honestly don’t know what it means to me!!!
This week I’ve done some pretty cool tattoos and met some awesome people as always!!! You guys have the most interesting lives. I absolutely love it!!! Next couple of weeks are a little quiet, and April is too to be honest with you so if any of you have any ideas of flash you’d like me draw up or some ideas please drop me a message on instagram. Even sharing a post of mine always helps so whatever you can!!! Gotta stay busy you all know how much fun we have in the shop!!!
So this week I haven’t really been up to much however today my sister and I took my mum to Betty’s tea room in York for afternoon tea which was pretty cute not going lie. We had all the snacks and shit then headed to York designer outlet for a few hours. Can I just mention how bloody awful was the weather in Yorkshire today??? Anyone??? Literally rained ALLLLL day!!! Anyways, I did treat myself to some new Timberlands so if anyone can give me advice for wearing them in holla at ya gal because I right wanna take them to Poland on Friday…
This afternoon Danny and myself headed to Cumin Lounge in South Milford for dinner with his Mum, Dad, Sister and Nephew. Which was really nice. I don’t often eat curry but I finally found the one I’ve been looking for, for like 4 years!!! It’s got cheese in and well I LOVE cheese!!! I however feel like a small whale after the amount of food I have eaten today so if you see me don’t judge hahaha. Promise i’ll get back to the gym if only I had any sort of motivation… 😫😫😫
Also can we all appreciate how bloody good my teefs are looking at the moment… I’m currently in the whitening stage and my god have they been sensitive… Thanks to Nat for the tooth paste recommendation though they are feeling a lot better!!! What a legend!!
I managed to post a couple of things on my TikTok this week too so if you fancy going to check them out please feel free
I’m pretty sure if you search that on any kinda social media you’ll find me… Just saying!!!
Below are some photos of the tattoos I have done this week and a couple of cute family ones… Honestly such a nice wholesome week… But as always on to the next!!!
Until next week