Blog Week 11…

Hey my dudes, so this week is going to be a little different because if you all follow me on socials and shit then you’ll know Danny and myself are currently exploring Poland. Krakow to be exact.

Firstly this week has been a little quiet at work which I’m super thankful for as you guys have kept me so busy up to now… (the best as always).

This trip we are on is actually Danny’s Christmas gift from myself, with lots of added fun for his 29th birthday weekend!!!

I honestly LOVE exploring & so happy I’ve now got a best friend to do it all with… We genuinely laugh out loud so many times a day, couldn’t ask for anyone more suited!!!

I’m going to keep this week fairly quick as we are heading out to Auschwitz today…

But if you’d like to show your support please like/share and follow my website, Instagram or Facebook as everything helps me so much more than you know…

I appreciate all of you 💕

Sorry guys but you’ll have to wait until next week for the photo evidence of Krakow 🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱

Until next week…



Blog Week 12…


Blog Week 10…