Blog Week 7…

Hey my dudes, we are already on week 7. Where has that gone? 7 weeks of me talking shit on here and you guys reading… How about that?

Okay so as usual this week I haven’t been up to a great deal, genuinely all I do is work, eat, sleep and smush Coco’s face daily 😂😂😂. But you guys already know that for sure.

This week I did do a couple of cover ups, and saw some friends I haven’t seen in a while so that was nice.

I did also tattoo my younger cousin, are Abs. She had a tattoo for both our Nanny Hilda & Grandad Wally. So that was cute (see below)

It was my younger sisters 30th birthday too, we all went out for food. That makes me feel so old saying that. I can’t believe Leah has now joined the 30’s club. There is actually 2 years and 10 days between us, although I obvs look younger because I am about a foot shorter than her but it’s fine. It’s been like that since we were about 6 and 4, I’ve gotten used to it now. 😅😅😅

I’ve attached a photo of Leah’s birthday cake too, again is was made by my good friend Misha who owns @bakesbymisha go check her out for any cakes or goodies I’ll literally NEVER go anywhere else!!!

It was actually my dads birthday this week too, so me & Danny went round to sing happy birthday… On Monday I collected my retainers too… I sound hilarious with them in, if you’d like to see this for yourself head over to my instagram stories for the comical value.

I also finally received my wedding invite to Gemma & Daniels wedding in October. It's so bloody cute, I absolutely loved the wax seal on the envelope. I say finally because they asked me to be a bridesmaid months ago so y’know sorta knew I was invited anyways…

I’ve done so well this week too, super proud of myself only ended up buying three pairs of trainers and two of them weren’t for me!!! It’s Danny’s birthday coming up in March so managed to get exclusive access on the Bred Jordan 4’s that have recently been released. Also we got yet another pair of matching. Managed to get the Jordan 1 - Paris for our trip next week (only another 7 days to go) can’t bloody wait!!! If you wanna see them or any of my sneaker collection I’d suggest you give me a follow on my personal account @livingthelifeofrachel. To be fair this is where I post most of my travels, kicks and personal stuff… If you don’t wanna see any soppy shit I’d strongly advise you not to follow me because my fiancé is extremely sickening from time to time… But he’s a good egg and he’s mine!!!

No jokes today we are just boxing off loads of jobs and then heading to my parents for our weekly family dinner!!!

Basically go see how hungover Leah is… 😂😂😂

If anyone would like to book in with me over the next couple of months please drop me a message on instagram or fill out an enquiry form which you can find via the link in my bio (Instagram) or on the home page of my website!!!

Until next time



Blog Week 8…


Blog Week 6…