Blog Week 6…

Hey my dudes,

It’s me again… Just a little bit later than usual (I normally do my blog in the mornings) however not going to lie I haven’t got outta bed today and it was absolutely phenomenal. Genuinely last time I did that was lockdown. I felt like I haven’t had a do nothing day in FOREVER!!!

Okay so this week hasn’t been crazy, I have tattooed lots of fun stuff as usual though. I did however finish my last lot of braces so I officially can eat and drink whatever I want again without brushing my teeth every time, which I’m not going to lie has been stunning.

I do feel like i’m constantly forgetting something now though.

I went to my first couple of appointments at Space dental in Wakefield to discuss my composite bonding journey which I’m extremely excited about!!! Was such a fun environment and everyone there is super nice. I’ve got my appointments booked for March, I am so bloody excited right now!!!

This week it was also my birthday (for those that sent me well wishes you guys are the best, thank you). I turned 32, which honestly I can’t believe. I gen still feel 21, but so did my grandad Wally and he was 95. 😂😂😂

I had such a lovely birthday. I got to see my good friend Misha (@bakesby_misha) I will attach a photo of my birthday goodies because OMG she’s amazing as always!!!

I ended up tattooing all day and really enjoyed it. A full day of patchwork and tiny tattoos is honestly loads of fun (thanks Molly for the cupcakes). I literally chilled with my parents, Danny, my sister and her partner. Overall just a nice day. Oh we did grab Pizza Hut which was so fucking good. Can not beat Pizza Hut!!!

Okay so I did actually take an extra day off this week as my sister had asked me to go visit the school she works at for a careers day. Honestly if you know me you’ll know I am the least maternal person ever so you can fully understand how nervous I was. I personally think it didn’t go too bad. The kids were a little crazy but y’know someone new and all that. I then just smushed Coco’s face for the rest of the day which was probably my favourite part of the week (it always is and always will be even if she is an arsehole, she’s mine and I bloody love her so much).

We had a little team meeting at work too which was fun. Even though we all work together we actually never spend much time together we are always about at different times. so yeah. Was good fun. Don’t worry guys I aren't moving again. 🤣🤣🤣

This week ended with me smushing Coco and Danny’s faces all day and I couldn’t be any more content.

Sorry it hasn’t been as exciting as previous weeks however we have some super fun shit planned over the coming weeks so let’s see what happens.

If you would like tattooing I am currently booking March/April/May, please fill out an enquiry form and i’ll get back to you over the coming week.

Until next week



Blog Week 7…


Blog Week 5…