Blog week 4…

Hey my dudes, can’t believe it’s been 4 weeks of my blog already… Where has that gone? Which does also mean we are finally close to the end of January (Who else thinks its felt like the longest month EVER). Because I mean OMG hasn’t it?

Okay so this week as usual I haven’t really been up to a great deal. I have however tattooed some super cool stuff and people (see below). I also managed to draw up some little flash pieces which are fully available so please fill out an enquiry form if you’d like to book one. I will also post them below and you can find them on my instagram stories @tattoosbyrachelgrace .

Oooo I did get something cool for the shop though its a google review sign with NFC technology, that you literally scan on your phone and it takes you to my review page (its in our waiting area) so if you are lucky enough to get tattooed by me (jokes) then please scan and be nice as every little really does help and I have officially become an old person who does genuinely check reviews before I do or purchase something now (I fully blame my mum).

A friend messaged me this week too saying she was just scanning google and I officially show up on google maps which i’m not going to lie feel like I’ve made it now. So if you guys are searching Wakefield have a little look and you’ll find me on there (not far from the bus station).

I have also made new business cards you can find these in the shop but i’ll attach a photo below for you to check out, I have been wanting to do this design for absolutely forever so I’m super stoked about them. You can grab them in the shop too. The shape is a little different to normal, also don’t look at the writing being slightly off central we’ll not talk about that as it sends my OCD west… 🤯🤯🤯

Okay so no more work talk… I did pole at Aerial Empire in Leeds again this week, I am still the least graceful person I know however I do feel like I’m more confident with it. In the wise words of my mum “Rachel its the taking part that counts”…


I did go get my hair did by the super awesome Keeley Frank at Radiance Hairdressing in Morley.

She’s been doing my hair for a few months now and honestly guys she’s the best!!! All the girls there are super nice. I’m not going to lie I wish I’d of gone to her way sooner. Definitely check out their socials @radiancehairdressing I’ve known Keeley for oh god forever too. She’s the best!!!

Ooo it’s also the last 2 weeks of me brushing my teefs 100 times a day… I’m officially seeing the Orthodontist on February 5th and I am so excited about this. It has been a long 6 months but finally nearly there. For anyone who has seen me brush my teefs in work please don’t judge me!!!

Lastly… if you’ve been tattooed by me in the last few months you’ll all know I’ve fucked my shoulder Danny finally made me go to the doctors and turns out I have an inflamed shoulder joint or something and apparently could be fluid build up. So i’m on new tablets that gen make me feel sick but whatever. If these and physio don’t work I need to have injections into it which not going to lie I am not remotely about at all… (You all know how much of a wuss I am) So fingers crossed they work ey???


So as always thanks for reading and keeping up to date with what my week has been like…

You guys rock and I can’t thank you enough…

Stay awesome!!!



Blog Week 5…


Blog Week 3…