Blog Week 13…

Hey my dudes, Happy Easter!!!

Week 13 already, I say this each week but genuinely this year is bloody flying by… It’s crazy!!!

Okay so this week not a great deal has happened, well I say this and actually I FINALLY got my new teefs!!! And honestly the best decision I've made to date. I am so happy with them and I can already tell how much more confident I am with my new smile. I had them done at SPACE Dental in Wakefield by Dr.Shaf. He’s honestly such a lovely guy. Took me a couple of days to get used to them but legit I am so buzzing with them… So yes I will be even more smiley than usual now and no I am not sorry about this!!! Not one bit…

So work wise this week has been a little mad, pretty much had a week of full days which rarely happens as you guys keep me mega busy with smaller work which I am happy tattooing any kinda tattoos. Doesn’t matter how big or small as long as I am tattooing I am happy however I feel like if you’d been tattooed by me in the past you know this. I had a couple of longer days which I didn’t enjoy as no jokes I've felt so exhausted recently but I gen think its to do with the seasons changing and shit. I’ve started taking some multiviatmins which are tailored to you personally. The company I’ve gone with is called Vitl so I’ll keep you posted how I get on with them. Not sure if I get any friend codes or anything but if you’d be interested just drop me a message on Instagram (@livingthelifeofrachel) and I’ll point you in the right direction for sure!!! I am in now way, shape or form the correct person to advise you on shit like this but y’know just winging it being an adult and shit so yeah…

Also seen as this week is a shorter blog can we all just appreciate the ball of fire in the sky FINALLY making an appearance because I am so thankful!!! I bloody LOVE the sunshine and can’t wait for summer now!!! I am writing this and it’s officially the first day of summer!!!

THANK GOD!!! Feel like this winter has lasted a long ass minute and i’m over it now… Give me warmer days and sunnies for the foreseeable please!!!

Check out below what I’ve been doing this week… And as always if you’d like to make a booking please either fill out an enquiry form or drop me a DM on my tattoo account on instagram @tattoosbyrachelgrace

Until next time…



Blog Week 14…


Blog Week 12…