Frequently Asked Questions

Booking information…

I normally book 3-4 months in advance. Any cancellations/rearrange space that come up in my diary I normally post to my stories on instagram or Facebook so I do ask people to follow my social media accounts to keep up to date. If you turn on notifications on instagram you normally get notified when I post on there. Any appointments that become available it is first come first serve on taking the space so please be quick!!!

To book in…

I will answer most questions on instagram however I book people in using my enquiry form, you can find this link on my home page or in my bio on instagram (@tattoosbyrachelgrace).

please follow this link if you would like to make an appointment.

Also you can scan the QR code which will take you there too.


All appointments require a none refundable deposit to secure the time and date you are requesting. Please make sure at the time of booking you are 100% sure on the size and idea as these are what may change the appointment time and cost.

Deposits range from £40-100 so please be prepared to pay a deposit when sending an enquiry as you will have 4 days to make the payment via my Getink link.

Once the 4 days are up your appointment time/date may of gone and you will have to fill out another form.

Get ink…

Get ink is an external company I use to make my bookings. I have found this site/company works really well when I am trying to manage my work/life balance. I normally go through the questions individually with each person who wants to book in with me so the more information on the form the better it is as I won’t have to message for anything further. So please try your best to fill in as much information as you can.

Please also remember guys I am a one (wo)man band.

The Design process…

I normally draw up for your appointments the day/night before as I find it is easier to manage my diary and I also don’t get too confused with who’s in when.

I don’t send out designs in advance.

Whatever reference images you send to me I will use as reference ONLY, I refuse to copy another artists work or ideas.


Any small changes you’d like to make to your tattoo design can be done on the day. I find it easier to discuss face to face than over a message or screen.

Please arrive on time for your appointment. If you are more than half an hour late for your appointment it will no longer be available and you will have to rebook you appointment with a new deposit to secure a new date and time.

If you would like someone to accompany you to your appointment please ask in advance as I am not the only artist in the studio. I do always like to check with the guys that they are happy with this first. Also please be aware that whoever you bring with you may not be able to stay in the room for the duration of your tattoo appointment, however we do have a waiting area or plenty of coffee shops/pubs near by. We are extremely central.

You will be asked to sign a consent form before you get tattooed however I always check before your appointment if you are allergic to anything or have any on going medical conditions (I’d like to think you guys would all make me aware before hand but you never know).

If you look younger than 25 years old you will be asked for ID so please bring some with you. If you get ID’d for red bull/alcohol or cigarettes then I would probably bring ID with you to your appointment.

Before/during your tattoo…

Make sure you eat something substantial before your appointment. Bring some fizzy drinks, snacks or sweets with you. Sharing is always welcomed (you guys know I love a good snack).

Try your best to get a good nights sleep before your appointment, I know this will be difficult as you’ll be super excited but at least try.

Please don’t turn up drunk or high I will not tattoo you if you’re in any way intoxicated.

I will always double/triple check you are happy with the design/stencil before we get started. So if you would like to make the piece bigger/smaller or change placement please let me know. I am super laid back which a lot of you already know but just ask away.

No question is a daft question.

I love chatting about my job, the process, and everything from start to finish so just ask away.


Dermalise -

(the clear patch over your fresh tattoo).

Leave the Dermalise on your skin anywhere up to a week, the longer the better. Your bedding will thank you.

While the film is applied you can shower as normal, don’t bathe or soak your tattoo for up to 2 weeks after. This will prevent any from soaking out of your skin and will give you better overall results.

Your body will push out blood and excess ink for the first 24-48 hours in order to form a scab (this is totally normal). The film keep the liquid and it heals your tattoo from the outside, in.

Don’t panic if you can no longer see your new tattoo due to fluid, this is also normal.

If any redness develops around the film (not the tattoo itself) then please remove the film. It is very rare, however your skin may be sensitive to the adhesive. If the redness becomes painful or spreads please contact me and I will happily give you some advice/guidance.

If the liquid begins to leak, then please try to clean down the area and reseal the film. If it will not reseal then please removed the film.

If the film begins to peel up, this is fine. If it peels up and exposes your new tattoo then remove immediately and clean your tattoo down with warm soapy water.

When it comes to removing the film try to remove it whilst in the shower. Once removed please wash down your new tattoo again with warm soapy water to remove any plasma or adhesive that may be left on your skin. Please then rinse with cold water and pat dry with a clean paper towel (kitchen roll).

Every time you touch your new tattoo going forward please ensure your hands/material are clean.

Once the film is removed you can then begin to use your chosen aftercare product 2-3 times a day. We do currently sell Butterluxe aftercare in the shop however I do also recommend Palmers Coco butter.

Please ensure you are cleaning down your new tattoo in-between aftercare applications.

Cling Film -

Leave the cling film on your skin for 1-2 hours or until you arrive home.

When you remove the cling film either do it in the shower or sink. Wash your new tattoo down with warm soapy water, followed by cold water then pat dry with a paper towel (kitchen roll).

I would rewrap your new tattoo with cling film before you go to bed for at least the first night. Your body will push out blood/ink/plasma for the next 24-48 hours.

Avoid scratching/itching your new tattoo as this will cause discomfort and potentially damage your new tattoo.

For the next 48 hours, after you’ve had a shower keep your tattoo clean and dry. If you want to rewrap in cling film to protect your new tattoo, please always clean the tattoo before application.

The idea of cleaning your tattoo down in-between cling film applications is to ensure no dirt gets stuck under the film. You DO NOT want your new tattoo to get dirty.

Once 48 hours have passed, you can begin using your chose aftercare cream 2-3 times a day. Please make sure you clean your new tattoo in-between applications.

As I said above we do sell Butterluxe aftercare in the shop however I do also recommend Palmers Coco Butter.

Please continue applying cream until your tattoo has fully healed (around 2 weeks this depends on age/skin don’t forget everyone is completely different also the healing process for tattoos can be super different this can depend on artists and styles too).

Any questions about the aftercare/healing process please feel free to message me.


I accept cash, bank transfer, or Paypal directly to myself. Honestly makes no difference to me, whatever is easier for you.

If you are unsure about absolutely anything please feel free to message me and I'll reply back to you as soon as I can.

Get in touch.

If you would like to ask me any questions about the above please feel free to send me a message, or email me.