Blog Week 2…

Hey my dudes, finally on week 2 of my blog… Still little idea on what I’m doing but here we are.

Below are images of what i’ve done this week. Had such a fun week at work so thanks to all who have visited. (try and spot the cover up tattoo). Joe is so badass getting his head tattooed. Also wanna say thanks to Reece for bringing me flowers to say sorry for the loss of my grandad, what a lovely gesture. You guys are honestly the best 💕.

I’m not going to lie, haven’t been doing much at all this week tbf. I’ve been trying to sort out my grandads funeral with my younger sister Leah, we have managed to order my grandads orders of services and they are adorable. Super happy with them. His funeral is actually on the 17th of January and I've wrote something that I will be reading out so pretty nervous about that but I feel like it’s a nice thing to do for him. In the words of my friend Molly we are celebrating his life.

Oh god guys, I went to my first pole class this week at Aerial Empire in Leeds. To say my name is Grace, I’m pretty sure i’m the least graceful person I know. However I think it’s the taking part that counts. I’ve got another class coming up next week so we’ll see if i’ve improved much 😂😂😂.

The only other thing I can think to mention is Danny and myself have started doing Hello Fresh and OMG the meals are amazing. Had such a variety this week. Due another 4 boxes in total so will keep you posted how that goes over the coming weeks. We’ve also been learning Greek on Duolingo and not going to lie so far we can say “The pink vase” and “A snack at the cinema” however baby steps guys you know how it is. 🤣🤣🤣

I have been trying to focus on this website as much as I can, so if you have any feedback at all please, please, please, message me.

So far I genuinely google how to do each and every step but i’m sure it’ll get easier as the weeks go by.

As always wanna say thank you for the continued support. I wouldn’t be here without you all



Blog Week 3…


My first blog post…