Blog Week 34 & 35…
Hey my dudes,
I am so sorry this is a week overdue. I’ve honestly been super busy and also trying to have a little bit of a life. Don’t know how other people do it… I’ve not really been doing much other than focusing on work as not going to lie the whole no one having any spare money thing is definitely effecting me now. Obviously in the line of work that I am in, the luxuries are the first thing people give up on or don’t book for and I totally get it.
However I’m trying my best to stay a float whilst planning and paying for a wedding. I just don’t get how everything is now so expensive, from our weekly shop to tattoo stuff I buy for work. Like I could talk for hours about this but honestly this country is getting beyond a joke. Our household bills are all increasing, I’m about to renew my car insurance and that is now a stupid amount for the year. I just really don’t understand how much harder this is going to get. I can imagine a lot of people who are dream chasing (like myself) are wondering how much longer they can hold on for. Over the last 1-2 months I’ve asked myself so many times is it worth getting an employed job just while things blow over, it just scares me because I know full well if I go back to being employed the next time I try to ‘jump’ (back to self employed) I may not get out as easy. Being self employed you have to really trust in yourself and you’ve gotta want it more than anything else but as I get older I really ask myself A LOT maybe its not always about the dream, maybe its about everyday life too… Y’know…
I haven’t recorded this weeks vlog because honestly guys my battery for doing socials and anything technology related at the moment is LOW AF… I don’t know what’s up with me I’m blaming the weather and seasons changing and shit. I wish we had nicer weather because this isn’t giving me autumn vibes at all…
After looking back over the photos from the last two weeks I’ve met so many fun people.
People getting their first tattoo in their 70’s, I tattooed someone’s head and as always had such a variety of tattoos from my usual floral to script, and everything in between . Saw some faces who i’ve been tattooing now for 5+ years and met new people I hope to see again in the next 5 years.
Honestly I do really love my job and I always feel so honoured that you all ask me to tattoo you.
The only none work related stuff I’ve really done in the last 2 weeks is visited Farmer Copley’s sunflower fields on Sunday which was no jokes, loads of fun!!! I needed the switch off although it was cloudy we had a great time, followed by food in the cafe and also a walk around the shop. Just a heads up their rhubarb and raspberry jam is sooo nice!!!
Check out all the photos from the last 2 weeks below and if you would like book in please feel free to message me on any social accounts or fill in an enquiry form on GetInk…
Until Next Time…