Blog Week 19…
Hey my dudes, week 19… Honestly this year is just flying by can’t believe it!!! They do say time flies when you are having fun and not going to lie I love my little life as it is!!!
Soooo this week has been a little bit of a strange one… Had some much needed time off to be fair… Been a little quieter than usual however I do appreciate it from time to time so… It’s all good…
Danny and I started the week off with heading to Oulton Park race track and I enjoyed the sunshine obvs!!! Thank god the weather is getting better we definitely NEED the summer or I definitely do!!! I didn’t know at the time however I also got caught speeding on the way there which is loads of fun for me… Roll on the speed awareness course
(this is not my first rodeo 😂😂😂).
We stayed in a super cute hotel for the night in Crewe and then headed home so I could come back to work as like I said before didn’t know it was a bank holiday (because why would I?).
I had the whole day off on Wednesday ended up going to Elite bridal in Brighouse with my mum & Gemma to start trying on wedding dresses. Even though our wedding is around 18 months away who knew dresses could take 12 months to make and be sent etc (which is just crazy). I had the best time minus my mum consistently complaining about my tattoos and how they look. But oh well not going to stop now am I??? 🤣🤣🤣 Trying on dresses definitely just made me super excited. I think the worst part is I was so excited to come home and show Danny and I obviously can’t…
I’m sure it’ll be worth it when we are in NYC!!!
I also ended up going for an eye test on Thursday even though I only went last year my eyes just seem to of deteriorated so quickly… Anyways turns out I needed new glasses and honestly guys I’m not sure about what I've ordered they are a little bold to what I normally have so honestly need your opinions when they arrive!!! I did not know but this is the type of issues I have when left to my own devices. I had no one else to help me choose so it now is what it is… They should arrive in the next couple of weeks so we’ll see 😅😅😅.
It has been that much of a nice week this week we’ve eaten dinner in the garden which was lovely. We also managed to catch the northern lights which I’m sure 90% of the UK did too but honestly was such an epic thing to see… Who needs to go Iceland??? (I mean we definitely still are going to go but y’know… What an experience).
Then I worked all day Saturday, I had my good friend Molly in with me all day and Danny just consistently sent me photos of him & Coco chilling on MY hammock… Where Danny fell asleep and now resembles a squashy… Apparently he’ll turn brown soon… 😏😏😏 So he says!!! 😂😂😂
We then went to mum & dads for dinner and chilled which was nice… I’ve actually got two full days off now so I’ll be making sure all my admin is done and replies are all sorted so if you do wanna get booked in or have any tattoo questions please feel free to contact me and I'll get back to you over next couple of days!!!
Also see below for yet another FUN FACT FRIDAY addition!!!
Until next time… 🖤🩶🤍