Blog Week 17…
Hey my dudes,
how are we all this week??? Haven’t really been up to much again however…
My friend Arran arrived back from Canada which has been so nice. We’ve hangout and he got tattooed which was good!!! I also ended up tattooing myself on Wednesday as I was genuinely in such a bad mood. So I was like what’s a bit of self harm when it’s literally your job??? 😂😂😂 Arran, Sam and myself also went out to lunch because I mean when does food not put you in a good mood??? We had Robarty and it was so good. If you are ever in Wakefield definitely check it out!!!
My friend Annamaria came up for a few days from London which has been fun, we’ve had take out and watched Baby Reindeer on Netflix. If anyone has seen it WTF??? How did no one warn me??? And if you haven't seen it yet please just watch with caution because OMG it is insane. Like its an emotional journey not going to lie… So good luck if you haven't yet watched it.
What a social week I’ve had, I tattooed my friend Gem and her mum too which was such a funny day!!! We literally just chilled and tattooed all day… So like when I say to people I love my job it’s no joke… I genuinely just tattoo so many people and we have a great time!!!
I also aren’t tattooing today… there is an American car/truck show happening in Wakefield city centre so thank god… Because I don’t wanna even think about that parking situation!!! Its always so busy whenever I’ve attended in the past.
We are heading to the Trafford Centre today… Going to go for a wonder, I actually wanna go Selfridges to check out the shoes in prep for our wedding… Haven’t fully decided on what I’m going to wear yet but if you know me you know my shoe/sneaks game is strong so definitely wanna find ‘the ones’ you know???
I also haven’t uploaded a video to my website yet… So going to give it a go this week…
Sam and myself have been doing fun fact Fridays at work, which technically we’ve been doing it for years but now decided to record it and upload it for the comical value for you all to enjoy!!! So if anyone knows any fun facts and would like for me to read them out please let me know over on my instagram!!! Or let Sam know either way… We have such a laugh as usual!!!
OMG as I am writing my blog (Saturday night) I just took my first - Be My Eyes call. I have been signed up to the app for around 18 months and havent had a call yet, I’ve told honestly told many people about this app because I genuinely think its such a good idea.
Anyways Danny signed up yesterday and he got a call and came running in to let me guide someone on it!!! The lady wanted help with putting her oven on to the correct temperature and wether it was warm enough etc…
Honestly so buzzing I could help someone who needed it…
So… Be my eyes is an app to help people who are either blind or visually impaired with like daily tasks… Like a FaceTime pretty much, and they can ring and ask anything like what milk are they picking up or do these shoes go with this outfit… I think we take sight for granted sometimes and to be able to help someone who potentially doesn’t have anyone to help them out is such a big thing. Just what I needed to finish off a pretty mentally difficult week!!! Everyone go sign up for it RIGHT NOW!!!
Until next time…